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This organic, natural processed lot comes from the cherries of approximately 400 smallholders near the Danche Washing Station, all situated at 2000-2300 metres above sea level. We'll find more intensity, fruit candy, violet florals, and tropical fruit like mango & banana in the cup.


  • 200g: Matte blue K-Seal standup coffee bag from Dutch Coffee Pack. Comes with zipper and degassing valve.

    500g & 1kg: Kraft paper side gusset bag foil-lined with a degassing valve. Please note that the bag is without a zipper, and it is not resealable after opened.

  • Danche is a washing station located in Chelbesa, Gedeo, and is organic certified. The station buys cherries from approximately 400 farmers who produce good yields thanks to fertile soil and good farming methods. The farms sit at high altitudes (2000 - 2300 masl) and have an average size between 1-2 hectares.

    The elevated altitudes play a significant role in shaping the distinct flavour profiles produced at this washing station. Harvesting typically takes place later in the season compared to other regions, owing to its location. This prolonged cherry maturation period significantly contributes to the exceptional quality of the produce.

    Moreover, the team at the Danche Washing Station have a lot of experience in agronomy and agriculture, giving them the freedom to experiment effectively with new processing methods.

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